Alpenverein München & Oberland


„alpinwelt provides innovative and informative information about everything that is happening in the two largest sections of the German Alpine Association with a total of around 180,000 members.

The magazine focuses on one topic at a time from different perspectives: In addition to exciting tour reports, area presentations, background and environmental reports as well as current news, it offers its readers above all a lot of tour information and practical tips for personal mountain experiences. The young generation has its say in a separate children's and youth section.“ (Text: Alpenvereinssektionen München & Oberland)

alpinwelt 2/2024 - Mountain weather

In the latest issue of alpinwelt, which focuses on "Mountain weather", DAV section members talk about their most impressive weather experiences on the mountain. Also exciting: you can find out all about the "Föhn" phenomenon and gain insights from a visit to the weather station and climate research station on the Zugspitze.
Andre Schmitt provides you with theoretical knowledge and practical tips on mountain weather, while "weather pope" Karl Gabl reports on the development of the mountain weather report through to automated forecasting in an interview. As always, there are also the best tour tips for the next quarter, exciting youth pages, basic knowledge about sun cream and the latest news from our sections.

alpinwelt 1/2024 - Crime scene mountain

The current issue of alpinwelt is all about crime in the mountains. However, the reader quickly realizes that there are only a few real mountain crime cases, but that it is rather the fictional stories that give us the creeps. And so the reader is guided through the history of mountain crime stories and gets an overview of the very different cover designs of the mountain crime books.
Unlike the fictional stories, the real criminal cases are not about murder and manslaughter. They are more about stolen mountain boots, a broken-in cash register, vandalism on the giant Rosi or violations in wildlife reserves.

This issue also contains reports from the youth, pages from the Munich and Oberland sections as well as tour reports and tips.

alpinwelt 4/2023 - Family

The topic of family takes center stage in alpinwelt 4-23. Aspects such as getting married on the mountain, (extreme) mountain sports and/or children are highlighted with an interview with alpinists Dörte Pietron and Kaddi Kestler. Dominik Prantl gives advice in alphabetical order for hikes with the little ones, there are tips on perseverance from family groups and it is explored which family has the oldest "DAV member family tree".

Of course, there are also reports, tour tips, news from the Alpine Club and much more.

This time, the children helped design the cover of the family edition as a collage. On the theme of family, 21 children painted and drew their experiences in the mountains.

Drawings by the children

alpinwelt 3/2023 - Collecting

Collecting - this is the motto of alpinwelt issue 3-23. In an interview, museum director Friederike Kaiser and archivist Stefan Ritter reveal how the Alpine Museum is changing as a result of the renovation. The question of how to collect tours is posed - the classic way in a tour book or digitally? And 7 collectors are introduced who collect various things in the mountains, whether stories, stones or old skis.

alpinwelt 2/2023 - Learning

The focus of alpinwelt 2/2023 is all about learning. How training and further education is provided in the association is looked at in the "places of learning". In addition, a neurologist, an extreme mountaineer and an economic consultant, but above all the members, were asked what the mountains teach them, what they learn in and from them. And because learning also involves getting to know each other, nine couples tell how they met through the DAV. By the way: Whether you learn mountaineering from books, on your own or in courses, it doesn't matter - the main thing is that you want to. 

alpinwelt 1/2023 - Food

The focus of alpinwelt 1/2023 is all about food. As a greeting from the kitchen, a peppery signpost of the section boards is already served. As a main course, there is a homemade Kaiserschmarrn test from some of the section huts. At satiating side dishes there is to the choice between a well hung interview with hut coach Georg Oberlohr, who already put mussels at 2800 meters on the map. An enlightening background article on the subject of eating disorders in climbing; or a piquant look at the institution of "mountaineering food". So that the whole thing remains well digestible, everything is garnished with an infographic "bean counter kind", which takes the nutritiousness and lastingness of different hut meals under the magnifying glass. And: dessert always goes! It was asked in the sections for favorite recipes for self-catering huts and many recipes were sent to the editors. With this in mind: The buffet is open.

alpinwelt 4/2022 - Avalanches

"EVERYTHING HAS BEEN RUINED AT LAMSEN - WASTL." This is how Sebastian Schrettl, the "Lamsen-Wastl", reported on March 9, 1908 by telegram of what was probably the greatest avalanche damage in the history of the hut. The picture from the summer of 1908 shows that the Lamsenjochhütte, which had been built only two years before, was destroyed down to the foundation walls. Reconstruction began as early as that summer, a little lower and further east from the site of the accident, where it still stands today. The main focus is on how the sections are trained in avalanches and how members can equip themselves. The second focus was on what happens in our minds during avalanches. Some members described their very own avalanche experiences - with amazing overlaps in memory. In the interview, Christine Kopp from Switzerland, who lost her brother in an avalanche, tells us how to deal with the worst of all cases. Media and mountain expert Riki Daurer takes a closer look at the influence of social networks on how we deal with avalanche risk, and mountain and ski guide and expert on alpine accidents Michael Larcher sorts out the mental pitfalls that can be our undoing on tour.

alpinwelt 3/2022 - Climate change

There it is, splashing idyllically: the Partnach at the Reintalangerhütte. While working on this climate change issue, in hot July, we would have liked to go to its banks many times. But the relationship between "water" and "hut" is not always as dreamlike as in this picture: Sometimes it is missing altogether (as, for example, often at the Watzmannhaus), then again there is far too much at once, which damages the approaches. In this focus "hut bosses" Carina Neuner and Thomas Gesell report how climate change affects huts and trails. Also ready is the emissions balance sheet, which breaks down exactly what CO2 footprint the club life leaves behind. How this footprint is to be reduced is shown by the current and planned measures. And in an interview, Gabriele Hegerl, a climate researcher from Munich who has already worked on several IPCC reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, classifies climate change on a global scale.

alpinwelt 2/2022 - Van-Life

This issue of alpinwelt is dedicated to the much-discussed topic of "van-life".
However, the great promise of freedom of life in a bus also has its limits. As with everything, there is light and shadow (sides). For us as a design agency, it was once again a lot of fun to realise the complete contents graphically. Many topics, such as the illustrative elaboration of the van-lifers, put a special smile on our faces, as did the editorial team @outdoor_publishing, who produced all the textual content.
The interview with Kathi and Paul from the @vannomaden also gives many insights into ups and downs and the constant search. 

Further contents: An alpine crossing from Oberstdorf to Lake Como, a Styrian triathlon (rafting, canyoning and mountaineering in the Gesäuse), a weekend at the Franz Senn Hut, a portrait of the Oberlander Jügend, highlights from the alpinprogramm, the annual report of the Munich Section, the Ukraine relief campaign of the Alpine Club Youth and much more. 

Making of

alpinwelt 1/2022 - Mountain film

Whether only as a backdrop or as a content element - the mountain in film is the main theme of alpinwelt this time.

In this issue, everything revolves around the topic of "mountain film", how the image of alpine heroes and the mountains themselves has changed in the history of mountain film, which mountain films were shot far away from their original locations and who took it very seriously. Technology also plays a major role and mountain filmmaker Valentin Rapp reveals what he has in his backpack and what doesn't really matter. 

The range of mountain films is enormous and has played an important role at regular intervals since the pictures learned to walk. From harmonious, romantic home movies to gloomy thrillers in the Alps - sometimes flooded with light, bright and positive - sometimes gloomy, dark and filled with fear. We wanted to express this contrast on the cover.


alpinwelt 4/2021 - Protected areas

The fragile world of the alpine ecosystem must be protected.

This issue gives an overview of the different protected areas in the Alpine region and tips for considerate behaviour in nature, especially towards rare animal species such as the black grouse.

On the cover we exaggerate this theme. We create an ideal winter landscape in which the animals and plants are protected by a glass dome. We humans are locked out of nature in this image. So this seemingly "harmless", cosy snow globe image becomes a warning to us mountaineers, ski tourers, nature lovers. At some point there could be areas in the Alps that we are no longer allowed to enter.

Technically, we mix model building elements and toys with surreal motifs like the snow or the flying black grouse.

Making of Cover - alpinwelt 4/2021

alpinwelt 3/2021 - Catwalk Mountain

Laufsteg Berg - one title, different facets. 

In addition to the recurring chapters such as tour tips and great reports, this issue provides answers on the topic of fashion and equipment on the mountain. It's not just about style issues and high-tech gear, but also about the mountains as a place for self-dramatisation. 

Our "mountain of clothes" is a symbol of the flood of functional clothing that floods the market season after season. Every sport has its functionally adapted clothing, every season its colours and cuts.

Making of Cover - alpinwelt 3/2021

alpinwelt 2/2021 - City Land Mountain

A rift is opening up between city, country and mountain.

We took the theme of the issue literally and visualised the rising abyss in interaction with the mountain panorama on the cover.

Making of Cover - alpinwelt 2/2021

Further projects